Nothing found matching D9AJP


A cherished number is a registration which is either owned by us or by a person or company that we deal with to sell the number on their behalf. Transfer to your vehicle usually takes around 4 weeks. We have thousands of prestigious numbers

The most popular search is a 3 letter combination such as you or your partners initials. Next in popularity is car model numbers like 323 or 911. Many of our registrations are also linked to names, such as OO04 LAN is linked to ALAN

DVLA Prefix

Prefix numbers were released between 1983 and 2001 and went from letters A through to Y. They are ideal for low cost registrations as they are available from £250 plus £80 transfer fee. You cannot make your vehicle look newer than it is, so a vehicle first registered in Aug 1985 cannot have a plate on that was released in Aug 1997

DVLA Current Style

The current style is the range that came in in 2001 where instead of letters, it uses 2 numbers to indicate the release and the release is made every 6 months. They benefit from having 5 letters to customise. You cannot make your vehicle look newer than it is. so a vehicle first registered in Sept 2005 (55 plate) cannot have a plate on that was released in Sept 2006 (56 plate)